Monday, February 25, 2013

Sick Kids

Today was a sick day for Caleb and Brandi and therefore mom.  Both came down with a stomach bug, Caleb having the worst of it from midnight to 5 am.  Brandi is also sick with a cold on top of this stomach thing.  I feel so bad for them.  Annika and Camryn also stayed home with mom today.  Brandi ended up needing a doctor's appointment and was given a prescription for Claritin-D.  Other than that rest and sleep are today's orders.  She has lost 6 pounds this weekend from being sick. 

Here are a few things I'm thankful for today:
1.  A stocked pantry with Gatorade, crackers, and chicken noodle soup.
2.  Great colleagues who take care of my "other 16" while I'm out the classroom.
3.  Time to snuggle up with my kids.

In other news, Samantha's rescheduled game is a wash out due to today's dreary overcast rainy weather. 

Supper is a pot of beef vegetable soup.  I had all the fixings on hand for that as well and since peeling potatoes didn't seem like a very time-effective strategy for me today I just emptied a bag of "Simply Potatoes" hashbrowns that I got on sale for $.40 into the pot.

For now, I'll be washing blankets and disinfecting everything in the house!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Menu Plan for the week of February 25

We eat pretty normal stuff around here.  With seven kids, trying to please everyone would make me nuts so if a person doesn't like what we're having they may have a sandwich or cereal instead.  Doesn't bother me in the least because then there are more leftovers for my hubby and I for workday lunches.

Here's what we're eating this week:

beanie weenies
chicken and rice
pizza pasta
beef vegetable soup
dinner out for our Jax Symphony date night (kids will get pizza)

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Well, that was a great year!

I tried this blogging thing in 2012 and it didn't work out.  So I'm going at it again.  Hopefully with better results!

My goals for the week:

1.  Read the book of Amos.
2.  Study and apply Sunday School lesson.
3.  Set up Facebook group for the Winter session of "Good Morning Girls".

1.  Work on 2013 goals with my husband.  Set priorities.
2.  Give him a back rub,  he sure loves those.
3.  Read two chapters together of "20.000 days and counting".

Parenting goals:
1.  Create Facebook event for  Camryn's birthday party in two weeks.
2.  Plan the party and get together decorations, order cake.
3.  Follow up with moving three kids out of science class.
4.  Talk to each child one on one about their goals for the year.
5.  Attend dance performance Saturday for Christin, Ciarra, and Camryn.

House goals:
1.  Survive this crazy week.
2.  Get washing machine fixed.

Menu Plan:
Monday- crockpot beef stew
Tuesday- baby back ribs, broccoli, baked potatoes
Wednesday- Minestrone Soup
Thursday- Spaghetti
Friday- Clean Out Refrigerator Night
Saturday-  ???

Monday, January 23, 2012

Weekly Goals 1/23-1/29

Setting goals keeps me on task.  I've been reading Crystal's goals for weeks months and thought "Wow!  I should do that!"  Well that time has come.

Mothering Goals:
1.  Help Caleb finish science project.
2.  Attend basketball game Friday night to watch Christin, Ciarra, and Samantha cheer
3.  Read nightly with Camryn
4.  Keep up with book report progress for Christin and Brandi
5.  Call school about Christin's schedule

Household Goals:
1.  Sort through Camryn's clothes for outgrown, stained up, used up clothes to get rid of.
2.  Continue following January's decluttering calendar.  This week is storage shelves.

Financial Goals:
1.  No eating out.
2.  Fax paperwork to two different companies on time.
3.  Work on end of the month budget to include softball registrations.

Personal Goals:
1.  Eat fruits and veggies daily
2.  Finish the "Money Saving Mom's Budget" on my Kindle reader.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Time to Share

I've missed blogging. Mostly because it kept me on track with my frugal lifestyle.  A new year. A new blog (because google thought I was under 13 in my previous blog, whatever!).  Here's to the best that 2012 can offer!